Aaron Eagar
Getting to Know Aaron Eagar, UDAF, Plant Industry, Noxious Weed Specialist Aaron Eagar recently accepted the position as Noxious Weed Specialist for the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food. Among his many duties, Aaron will oversee the ISM program. Aaron comes from the Utah County Weed Department where he spent the past twelve years. Aaron was responsible for uniting multiple entities to accomplish weed management goals. He worked with The Utah Lake Commission, Utah Division of Wildlife, State Parks and Forestry Fire and State Lands to eradicate Pharagmites and other weeds on Utah Lake. On the east side of the county, Aaron brought Sundance Resort and its landowners together with the U.S. Forest Service to control Garlic Mustard. Aaron also served as the president to the Utah Weed Supervisors Association.
Aaron earned a degree in Chemistry, but his true passion is geology. Aaron can often be found rock hounding in his free time. Aaron also enjoys camping and travelling.
Aaron places great importance on the ISM program. He said that he took the position as Noxious Weed Specialist in order to help expand and fine tune the ISM grants.