New guidelines for the Cost Share program are being implemented
In an effort to save taxpayer dollars and to help land managers create the best management goals, we have developed and implemented a new process for all applications.
Identify your project area and what you hope to achieve for your project goals. All good projects start with a clear and focused project goal.
2. Complete SIIPA
Go through the new online SIIPA tool to help prioritize your treatment areas and your priorities. Here's your chance to get focused.
3. Complete Application
Download and complete the online application. Attach the SIIPA results to the cost share application. It's quick and easy.
In an effort to make sure the BEST PROJECTS are funded, regardless of size, we have established some specific criteria.
If conservation of natural resources goes wrong, nothing else will go right.
While we recognize that all habitat types are worthy of protection, we are looking at protecting the ones that are in greatest need.
Research has shown that healthy wildlife is crucial to a healthy landscape. We aim to do our part in this process.
Weed Species
We are looking at specific weed species and focusing on the best systems of eradication and/or containment.
easy steps to get your grant application submitted
Get an account
Log on to EDDMaps and get a free account
Request Access
Request access to the Utah SIIPA project by emailing Aaron
Complete SIIPA
Go through the guided steps of the Utah SIIPA tool
Complete the application and submit with the SIIPA results
Identify and Target key primary areas
The grant application process has been designed to help you identify and target key primary areas. Once you have identified the primary targets, the SIIPA tool helps you prioritize where your resources should be spent.